The smart phone is created with single base application. In this, there is an option is available to add an application. The companies are interested to provide many more applications. Out of all companies the micro soft is trying to add the application of the documenting. In documenting all the smart phones are facing failure, an owner of the smart phone is unable to send any document, for this reason recently a smart phone is introduced with the Microsoft word application. After the installation of the word application in the smart phone, the sales of the smart phone increased more and more. Therefore, all the other companies are programming deeply to increase the programs, those companies’ apple and android.
The android application goes with any smart phone company programming, anyone who is owning a smart phone, could try the android application in installing it successfully. At the same time, apple is keen in producing some active services to the smart phone; in the above status the smart phone manufacturing companies are very keen to program their device accepting any program of apple, Microsoft, android applications. The buyer of the smart phone is checking the device in the shop with all the application installing facility, once these comforts are available in any smart phone they are interested in buying that particular brand.
Brand of the smart phone is secondary for all buyers. The buyers are interested to check the applications available in the smart phone. In some cases, many people trust the Microsoft application; in case the phone is available with the Microsoft application, they are quite happy with the smart phone. In general, the Microsoft company is introducing many programs for the communication technology. In the case the owner of the smart phone has the facility to install, the owner of the phone is proud he is able to have all the latest technology produced by the Microsoft Company.
The apple lovers are more interested to have all the application available recently. In this connection, the owners of the smart phone are having fever interest in other smart phones. They are interested with the smart phones which are applicable for the apple application. The application seemed to be faster in using it, this is the feeling of the apple application lovers. The real apple lovers are using all the apple application; apart from that they are teaching the application to others and making money for providing lessons to learn the apple applications.
Android is the neutral technology, many companies are installing this technology; this technology is the easy one to install in all smart phones. In a smart phone if there is android application is available that the phone will be in a position to accept any recent technology in the smart phone. Therefore, buyers are very eager to check their smart phones are with the android combination, this kind of combination is helping them to enjoy all the recent technology and they are quite happy for owning the smart phone. By this way, many kinds of technical development engineers are hired by many companies.
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